Get rid of Belly Fat and Bloated Stomach – sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

What is the best way to start a new year if not thinking about our health and habits? Especially in this weird time that we’re all living…

I have been changing my lifestyle for more than one year, building healthy habits from before I got pregnant with my daughter and I must say I need to give my special thanks to this pandemic. It might sound strange, but I’m a half-full glass type of person and I found the good in this bad – I got more time for myself, to think about all the changes I had no time before, to do my research, and to invest quality time for my mind, body, and soul.

This pandemic made people less active, unfortunately, and staying motivated takes more energy than ever. The point is from all conversations I had with family and friends, there is a concern for the body fat and especially, for the lower belly fat in women. It is not only an esthetical issue but a health concern as well.

I found out Google was running out of ideas regarding bloated stomach versus lower belly fat – so what’s the difference, am I sick, should I worry, how to get rid of it fast – these are just a few of the topics online.

We all know bloating is normal, usually is a combination of digestive issues and stress, maybe hormones as well. It fades away, sometimes can get right back, depending on your diet and eating habits – you get bloated after eating, you’re eating too fast, you’ve got a food intolerance, and so on.

Simple home remedies we all use once in a while to “fix” the bloating or to prevent it are: drinking herbal teas (peppermint, chamomile, ginger, turmeric, and fennel), taking antacids, taking Magnesium supplements, probiotics, fiber supplements, and exercising regularly with a focus on core body strengthening.

To get rid of this digestive issue, first, you need to make sure the diet is the reason for your bloating, I suggest making a doctor appointment, and this way, you’ll know your body better. Then some lifestyle changes must take place: drink enough water, eat enough fiber, exercise, avoid processed foods, practice mindful eating – stop eating when you’re full even if the plate is not empty, notice sensitivities – alcohol, particular foods, or ingredients.

I would say the same practice applies to lower belly fat as well. Note that belly fat does not expand your stomach during the day, bloat does. If you can grab it, it’s not bloat, it’s belly fat. 🙂

Generally, it’s said that a waist measuring more than 35 inches (89 centimeters) indicates an unhealthy concentration of belly fat in women.

The process is not about how to lose belly fat in a week or how to lose belly fat fast, because everything is connected with genetics, age, lifestyle, stress, and sleep. So it’s all about a healthy lifestyle – what I always promote – mind, body, and soul.

There is no magic recipe, there is no miracle (except surgery, if you are a fan) that will promise you’ll lose only belly fat and fast. It’s a process that goes hand in hand with patience and it starts with your mind – and the way you stay motivated.

I suggest making small changes every day, don’t start with a strict diet that will drain your energy until the end and will make you fail. Take it step by step, track your overall calories first, sort out the food that you buy – choose nutrient-dense whole foods and avoid sugar. Avoid overeating. Maybe you find yourself bored or stressed, I get that, we all have that, but your mind needs to react and protect you from…yourself. You are capable of noticing when you are actually hungry and when there is another reason that drives you to the fridge. Avoid snacking all the time and you’ll notice a change sooner, I promise that.

Leave some time for your stomach to digest, you need 3-4 hours of break between the meals, so you see, literally no time for snacking (of course, you’ll get healthy snacks in between the meals, depending on your goals – I personally am not a fan of snacks, only occasionally).

Drink your water – I can’t stress this enough – and I am literally stressed about it because I am that type of person that forgets to drink water… And I was one of those that say I can’t drink that much water. It’s all in our head, it’s all about building habits. Water is so vital, I feel so refreshed and energized when I respect my water intake, but I admit I still struggle, I have good days and bad days.

70% of losing body fat is made in the kitchen and yes, it’s not easy to cook daily, but it’s up to you how you organize your meals. Nowadays there are millions of specialists in nutrition that can give you a diet plan, you don’t need to lose time with research, only if it’s your passion (the research, not losing time haha). Then we can talk about exercises. And here the things are quite complicated because repeating the same exercises all over again will get you to the point that you don’t see any results anymore. They will do the trick for a while and stop. Don’t believe you found your perfect routine, cause will fail the moment your body gets used to it.

You must stay motivated and open-minded. Combine exercises, take it step by step, try things you didn’t want to before, and keep yourself active. Cardio, weights, walking, running, sex, whatever works for you, do that. Combine and win.

The only thing standing in your way is you and all your excuses. Whatever you start doing today and you don’t leave it for “next Monday” – “I’ll start on Monday” (yeah, yeah) – the future You will thank for that, even if it’s one year from now on or more.

Stay focused on what you can control, be consistent, and allow your body to naturally respond, have patience with yourself and love your body for the unique features that you’ve been blessed with. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and love your life! Always!

Yours Sincerely,


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