Collagen Magic in a bottle?

Shouldn’t be a surprise that I chose to write about Collagen after the last article regarding belly fat and bloated stomach. Probably, you won’t see the connection right now, so let me get started. 🙂

Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally. However, after the age of 25, our collagen production slows down drastically so we need to find ways to keep the level up.

In the human body, we have more than 16 types of collagen, but 90% of them are a combination of Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 collagen. We can easily say that these three are the most important ones: Type 1 and 3 are in the skin, tendons, and bones, while Type 2 is in the cartilage.

It’s a myth the fact that women use collagen more than men. The more active we are, the greater is our need for collagen supplementation. Collagen does not go only in tissues and joints, it gets absorbed fast by the entire body, so we’ll need a little outside help.

The connection I talked about at the beginning of this article refers to the fact that the amino acids from collagen help soothe and rebuild the tissues that line our gastrointestinal system – it is an under base for the problems regarding belly fat and stomach bloat.

Actually, collagen for men doesn’t work a lot differently from the one for women, however, in the following, I will focus on the women’s side.

Easily absorbed and digested, collagen supplements are the first aid that women use. Skincare products and their collagen benefits only offer a layer on the skin to reduce moisture loss. Combined with a healthy diet and collagen supplements, we get the right results, again with patience – results built in time for a sustainable lifestyle. The right type of collagen supplement has the potential to improve women’s health far beyond appearance. Collagen benefits for women also tend to be more targeted than for men, because of how collagen interacts with hormones and bone health: support lean muscle growth, help with weight loss and maintenance, helps with gut health, provides post-menopause bone support, helps with mood, memory, and recovery.

We can use collagen supplements as collagen peptides that we can easily scoop in the water, juice or tea, however, note that they work best in combination with other nutrients such as vitamin C. Collagen peptides can be consumed also into oatmeal, yogurt or milk with granola or muesli. If you are not a fan of this, but you still want to get your collagen supply, you can try gummy candies or gelatin desserts, you can make your own dairy-free coconut yogurt using collagen gelatin. Both collagen gelatin and supplements can be also added to smoothies. Both gelatin and collagen are relatively tasteless. Make sure you’re getting a high quality product that is stored in an airtight container to assure that the flavor isn’t off-putting.

I use the liquid collagen supplement from Aspasia Beauty Collagen for over 3 months, it’s actually the timeframe when you start seeing results. It’s recommended to drink it at night, I personally dissolve it in a bit of water, I find it too sweet for me. I saw results in time (again – have patience) even if some of my friends told me it didn’t work for them – we’re different, our bodies react differently, we need to find the perfect products for our own organism.

Hope this article raised your curiosity to continue your own research for this matter and maybe also try it out.

Don’t forget to start everything with a positive mind, your body and soul will follow the path that you create.

Yours Sincerely,


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