In search of vitamin D…ubai

Whatever you'd like to choose - visit, study, work or retire - you find your options in one of the most popular destinations at the moment - Dubai (United Arab Emirates). Before you plan your trip to Dubai Marhaba! (meaning Welcome!) Dubai is unaffected by the turmoil taking place in other parts of the Middle … Continue reading In search of vitamin D…ubai

Collagen Magic in a bottle?

Shouldn't be a surprise that I chose to write about Collagen after the last article regarding belly fat and bloated stomach. Probably, you won't see the connection right now, so let me get started. 🙂 Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally. However, after the age of 25, our collagen production slows down … Continue reading Collagen Magic in a bottle?

Get rid of Belly Fat and Bloated Stomach – sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

What is the best way to start a new year if not thinking about our health and habits? Especially in this weird time that we're all living... I have been changing my lifestyle for more than one year, building healthy habits from before I got pregnant with my daughter and I must say I need … Continue reading Get rid of Belly Fat and Bloated Stomach – sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

Sugar and its well deserved nickname “Fake Friend”

We're living this crazy times when everyone is competing for the healthiest lifestyle and of course, when you say sugar, you bring the demons on Earth, because no one admits they still eat it and overeat it. However, we can all see you figure lately, Linda. 🙂 So what's up with the sugar? First of … Continue reading Sugar and its well deserved nickname “Fake Friend”

Zaharul, fake friend – dependenta/placere/strategie

Cu totii am auzit "Pentru un stil de viata sanatos...", incat nici nu mai e cazul sa inchei citatul, ne rasuna in mine automat. Ok, care e faza cu zaharul? De ce consumul zilnic de zahar, chiar daca in cantitati reduse, duce la diverse probleme in timp? Hai sa o luam cu inceputul si va … Continue reading Zaharul, fake friend – dependenta/placere/strategie

Revox vs The Ordinary: who’s winning?

Today I got the necessary inspiration to put myself together and stop dreaming all around the world (even if it's goon for the brain) and I gathered all the best info (meaning research and personal experience for the last month) to be able to decide if Revox or The Ordinary should be the skincare winner. … Continue reading Revox vs The Ordinary: who’s winning?

Danish Diet Journal – Part 1

Every time I talk/read/learn about new diets, food in general and healthy lifestyle my mood improves noticeably. I am a strong believer that feeling confident and good in your own skin will make you a better person. It's same with coffee haha - a complicated, yet amazing relationship I have since forever. As I mentioned … Continue reading Danish Diet Journal – Part 1

Uriage HYSÉAC purifying oil – Honest Review

I was sooo waiting for this moment, I really missed writing a product review and I took my time to test this product before I can have a clear mind about it. I ordered it for almost a month now and I am using it every single night, let me tell you, it's a Bomb! … Continue reading Uriage HYSÉAC purifying oil – Honest Review

Healthy Mindset Tips and Intermittent Fasting Intro

What makes you feel better? Do you exercise? How is your routine going so far? This are few of the questions I ask myself, so I tried making a list with the most important things I take care of while I'm active and exercising, such as: ✓first of all, bringing a good attitude to every … Continue reading Healthy Mindset Tips and Intermittent Fasting Intro