Collagen Magic in a bottle?

Shouldn't be a surprise that I chose to write about Collagen after the last article regarding belly fat and bloated stomach. Probably, you won't see the connection right now, so let me get started. 🙂 Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally. However, after the age of 25, our collagen production slows down … Continue reading Collagen Magic in a bottle?

Get rid of Belly Fat and Bloated Stomach – sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

What is the best way to start a new year if not thinking about our health and habits? Especially in this weird time that we're all living... I have been changing my lifestyle for more than one year, building healthy habits from before I got pregnant with my daughter and I must say I need … Continue reading Get rid of Belly Fat and Bloated Stomach – sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

Sugar and its well deserved nickname “Fake Friend”

We're living this crazy times when everyone is competing for the healthiest lifestyle and of course, when you say sugar, you bring the demons on Earth, because no one admits they still eat it and overeat it. However, we can all see you figure lately, Linda. 🙂 So what's up with the sugar? First of … Continue reading Sugar and its well deserved nickname “Fake Friend”

Healthy Mindset Tips and Intermittent Fasting Intro

What makes you feel better? Do you exercise? How is your routine going so far? This are few of the questions I ask myself, so I tried making a list with the most important things I take care of while I'm active and exercising, such as: ✓first of all, bringing a good attitude to every … Continue reading Healthy Mindset Tips and Intermittent Fasting Intro

A recipe from my head to-ma-toes

Not only as a pregnant woman, but also as a human being that likes to eat as healthier as possible, but still super tasty, I always have a favorite recipe that is easy and fast to cook and also reminds me of home wherever I am. That's the tomato creamy soup and I chose to … Continue reading A recipe from my head to-ma-toes